

so today

is a special day, it's my birthday or as a dear friend of mine said this morning it's my sternchen-day ;-)
and to celebrate
I crochet a bit again, made some sketches yesterday for a handsome bear, watch out

hugs, Diana

7 Kommentare:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburstag!
    Viele Grusse from Argentina!

  2. Zum Geburtstag viel Glück! (my German isn't that good, but happy birthday should do the trick!)

    Happy to hear you are crocheting again, looking forward to some nice designs!

  3. Happy birthday!
    Good luck, health, love, money ...
    always enough wool, ideas, time and motivation for handcraft ...
    and all the other needful things. ;-)


  4. Happy birthday in spanish:
    Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos todos, cumpleaños feliz!!!
    Happy birthday in portuguese:
    Parabens pra você, parabéns pra você, nesta data querida, muitas felicidades!!!!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope it was fantastic!


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