I am such a Muppet!
Time flies! and it seems like I neglected this blog again, I didn't plan to, I even planned a few posts (like one about a few autumny cardigans I like and that could be knitted /crocheted quickly OR finally publishing the pattern for Wesley) but somehow life interferred and here I am two weeks later.
I instagrammed a bit and even twittered in case you're interested. I like instagram quite a bit and post a few pictures a week there, some about knitting and progressing (the knitted picot bind off for this shawl drives me crazy) and some on the adventures of a little bear:
in case you want to have a look at my twitter or instagram I'm @mygurumi on both.
and I squeezed in some reading too! I flew through the first two books of the Divergent Series, Veronica Roth did a great job with these! If you like Harry Potter or the Hunger Games I'm sure you will like this series as well
would you still want the blog posts I mentioned above?
have a sunny day, Diana
While it's important to keep a blog current, I think it is even more important that it comes from an interest in writing it. I have always supported the blogs I follow who take time off to regain the interest over those that plod on and really do need some time away to get perspective and renew interest in the topic. You become a more interesting writer when you take care of yourself and have something you want to write about and share with your readers.
AntwortenLöschenDo those posts still interest you? If so write them. You'd be surprised how many people visit my old posts. If not, then move on to something new that is of interest to you. You can always write those posts and even schedule them to post next fall if the mood strikes you to write them and you want them to be more timely.
Hi, Diana! Glad you are back and hope to see your crochet/knit stuff more frequently. I guess you will be just on time with cardigan for Autumn. I am also planning to crochet one SOOO simple, you can check out in my blog too. Well, I am a Harry Potter fan, so would love to read the mentioned book :) Have a nice day and it's absolutely normal when life takes over blogging :)Anna
AntwortenLöschenHi Bailey, good point! I think I will put up the cardigan one, because I really liked browsing through ravelry and search for good options, I even lengthened my queue again ;)
AntwortenLöschenAnd you're absolutely right only if the blog is fun for me it will be fun for others too
crochet hugs
Hi Anna, lovely to read you here again :D the cardigan post is just for you, but even if you already started, there can never be too many projects, right ;)
AntwortenLöschenI'd love them...especially the quick cardigans because I love quick projects!