

froggin' and preppin'

about being a perfectionist could also be the title of this post! Sometimes being a little too picky about my own stuff can be quite time consuming.. For my granny square afghan I'm using the Dahlia block pattern by Joyce Lewis** for the main flower, which is quite huge and so I went ahead and created a smaller version as well.

The smaller version contains only 5 petals in a round and I will publish this version here soon. BUT, yes there is a BUT and this makes me come to the point of the post, I made a little error on my first version, which was perfectly fine for me for the first eight squares I made. The little error wasn't really anything to worry about and no-one; really not a single person would have noticed it, maybe not even if I would mention it. The little error made the flower bump up a little in the middle. And it was making me crazy. Not crazy enough to find a solution to it after the first square I made (because I was noticing this bumpiness after the first square I made) because I figured it might block out. Eight squares later it was nugging on me, it won't block flat, it won't block flat completely, no it won't block completely even. So I finally tried to make some changes to my pattern, and of course I couldn't leave the former eight squares as they were .. I WOULD SEE IT, I was sure of. So I frogged and frogged, and started over. And because I had a lot of teal yarn left over after every square I made, I made eight plain teal colored squares too. (which is good, I need them anyway) The good point of being a little too picky I guess, I'm always way faster when re-doing something than I was before. And using my "enthusiasm" I also started a few new flower bases..

so long, happy crocheting

**a little side note, I also made a few changes to the Dahlia pattern, linked above. you can find my alternations to the square here .. stupid perfectionism

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