

losing the reader

I'm sure every one has realized by now that google stopped their reader service at the beginning of the month. Haven't been online the last 3 weeks and not reading anything of course this fact just past me by. Now I found myself confronted with a little problem, what other service could do that for me and even worse How on earth would I be able to re-find all the blogs I had collected in my feed during the last years? The first problem was easily solved. Asking the inter-webs I came up with two out of the many solutions, one being bloglovin' the other feedly. The promise feedly would be able to find my google reader list was too promising. But as I was too late feedly didn't find the list automatically *sad-face*

Asking the inter-webs again .. google will provide this info in a list (that you need the download) until the 15th of July. So far so good. I got the list and opened it and added most of the blogs to feedly via hand. I was surprised how many blogs have stopped writing during the last years. And I was surprised how many food-blogs I had in my list. I miss some yarn blogs though *confused-face*

Soooo, point of this post? I love the feedly app (I never read blogs on my phone, now it's so easy) and what are your favorite knitting/crochet blogs? I want to add a few more to my reading list.

happy reading, Diana

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