1. something beginning with a "C": kind of funny this one, I've been thinking about this the whole morning and couldn't think of anything, and than we're sitting at Burgeramt in Friedrichshain/Berlin having lunch and there's Che Guevara at the wall, and my first idea was CHILLIE CHEESE burger and I'm having a coffee with it and it comes with a chocolate wafer...everything were "C"'s o_O
2. Colour: a lot of red and green
3. Breakfast: cereal and kiwi
4. TV: it was a Sunday, I like to spend my Sunday morning watching cartoons, yes I'm like that! and recently I really like Kung Fu Panda, anyone else? ^__^
5. 5 o’clock: not exactly 5 o'clock, but hey, close enough
6. A favourite thing: my camera
7. Reflection: my living room lamp in the glass cover of a picture in my living room
8. Something you do everyday: cleaning my teeth, I was actually really thinking about this for a while, what do I do EVERY day? like EVERY day?
9. Small: ^__^
10. Can’t {won’t} live without: crafting, which includes yarn, could you?
11. Night: coming home late..
12. Drink: black tea with milk, lately I really love this mixture...
13. Where you slept: my bed is where I woke up that day, and a hotel bed in Dresden is where I fell asleep
14. Man-made: and very impressive the Frauenkirche in Dresden, if you ever come to visit Germany you MUST come to Dresden as well, it's such a wonderful city, with so much history in it, you really MUST come here!
15. In your bag: I was packing bags again, for a congress in Berlin, and unpacking I found this in my bag:
16. The view from your window: Berlin, Hotel Intercontinental, at night
17. The last thing you bought: cookies, a womans suit (from the 70's or 80's) and a neckcloth with froggies
18. Happened this weekend: I had cookies, yumm
19. Something awesome: ...
20. Work/play: car-driving and knitting
21. What you wore: I went swimming - yay
22. Grateful: sunshine!!!! just simple sunshine, November this year was very much a November you don't dream of, so full of mist or fog however you want to call it, I was VERY grateful to see sunshine for just one day
23. Black: a black and white picture of something I'm working on for my christmas calendar (starting tomorrow, dec 1st, which technically is today, but since I haven't slept yet, it's still November ^__^)
24. A sound you heard: probably a very typical sound when you live in a big city just like Berlin, the sound of police cars, only today it was the sound of about 60 (!) police cars, there must have been something going on
25. Sky: it was the weekend and I remember taking this picture, as I was very surprised at how dull and grey a sky can look from inside but when you actually take a look AT the sky outside it can be multi-coloured and pretty interesting, not to mention pretty beautiful in its own way
26. In the cupboard: I was spending a few days in a hotel again (for a training) and this was my hotel cupboard view, kinda sexy, uh?
27. Tree: I spent the last days in a hotel and we took the night out to the city, on the way the first trees I saw were christmas trees, I liked them
28. Vehicle: I just couldn't take the challenge to add a picture of the car, besides I couldn't be bothered to get outside again in the pouring rain, just for a car pic, it was raining all day long
imagine a car here
29. Big: a "bauble", I came across this add for a garden show next year and liked the idea a lot, mother earth as a bauble ^__^
30. On the wall: my advent calendar ^__^ mine is made with smurftastic love inside the-he-he
summing this up, I just can't believe how much time I spent in hotels this month, it didn't feel that much...
hope your month was smurftastic as well, read you tomorrow in the first post of December, sleep tight everyone ♥
hugs, Diana