Now let's check out my Feb!
1. YOU: :)
2. FAVOURITE: switched to sulfate free shampoo and I already love it
3. SOMETHING ORANGE: my eyebrow powder (originally two mac eyeshadows: rule (the orange one) and tete-a-tint)
4. CHILDHOOD: sherbet powder with a lollipop to poke in
5: SQUARE: crossstitching frame and the needle case my mum made for me when I was about ten years old ♥
6: C IS FOR…: curls!! barrel and pin curling, I really liked the result, although my hair is still slightly short
7: UTENSIL: nail file (made from glass, I think these are the best)
8: WATER: almost! This is a closeup of my brush cleaner from mac (love the store and felt a little too girly going in there that day with a friend)
9: DETAILS: on my blanket
10: I AM…: hungry and all I had was a handful of nuts..
11. MISTAKE: I thought I didn't make any mistake that day, then I went with the wrong exit in a roundabout, realizing it like 5km later
12. OUT + ABOUT: at a friends house, Berlins facade
13. PERFECT: weather with a not so perfect pic of my pretty lovely hair (I'm going with the "Natalie Teeger look from Monk at the moment)
14. HEART: I made pizza ♥
15. MY DRINK OF CHOICE: water, a plain glass felt too boring so I went a little crazy with my photo apps (I'm using photo editor and picsart on android, very good free apps)
16. CREATE: the first couple of rows of my new blanket, I really like the "baltic ripple" design so far, as I called it (this reminds me to start my WIP Wednesdays again)
17. VEGETABLE: carrots, love them raw, and the're good for your eyes!
18. MAGIC: do you believe in magic? in a young girls heart? How the music can free her, whenever it starts? (the lovin spoonful) ... hope you have the same earworm I had that day, gotta love me some nice tunes
19. FEET: I was with my boss that day, you don't want to see his feet, the evening I've spent babysitting my best friends girl, I don't feel good with showing her baby feet (although they are so pretty) sooo, drumroll, the feet of teddy sitting next to me on the couch
20. PEACE: my bed!
21. FUNNY: what if unicorns where just fat rhinos?
22. AN ACT OF KINDNESS: my man, he's a sweety! loading the dishwasher everytime I cook
23. THIS IS WHERE I RELAX: my couch apparently, guess I've been too relaxed to take a picture ^__^
24. HALF: I got new sunglasses *insert big happy smile here* and this half of it (btw they are the Oakley Newsflash in pomegranate - I love them)
25. CUT: my scissors, I'm not ready for a haircut, just yet!
26. LIGHT: a hotel lamp, kinda nice, only kind of ..
27: MY VIEW TODAY: very very early that day, about a minute after midnight, that's where I was waking up on the 27th, I've spent the night at a Hotel in Brandenburg as I was serving a training the evening before, what you see is the water tower of a town close to Poland
28. REFLECTION: I've been to the dentist today, not my favorite place to start a weekend, but neccesary, so yeah, my view..