to me
yepp, it's my birthday today and also a long time since my last posting, but as I've written before I have been busy **sad smiley**
this last weekend I've been to Berlin, on saturday to meet other crafters and talk about blogs and why they are so improtant for me and for you, and for us all in general at a DaWanda meeting. On sunday I went to a congress and this was ... well it was nice.
But saturday afternoon was so inspiring! I met people who are like me, although I knew there are people like me - I can see them online, but in my near enviroment ? well, my friends like to hear me talking about my new critters and ideas, but they can't relate to my enthusiasm, they just don't know the feeling, sure they have their own things that inspire them, but to create something with your own hands and see the happy faces when you give a doll away and hear the lovely short stories about girls loving their monster trolls and going to the toilet with them and brushing their teeth, that is sort of different! it's great!
So what else did I get from this saturday? friends! and the idea of 'networking', which is nothing more than actually be online and don't hide, to be present and to be continuous. It's cool. There was Holly having a cool talk about blogs and also Nic from Luzia Pimpinella, who almost like myself decided to not study art or graphic design after school in order to learn something safe and proper, something like biology. But she managed to start her own business with these ooooh sooo cute embroideries. A lot of beginners also where there, people just starting out and this feeling in the air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife, there was inspiration and love and ... well just smiling faces everywhere, like the one from Katrin, who just started her own blog two days ago!, I guess the inspiring atmosphere had caught her and her companion Barbara to start out, there was an idea, now there is a blog!

I could go on and on, and I'm sure I'm gonna show you some more cool sites of people I met there, but there was also a sunday, of having no breakfast (I needed to leave my hostel at 7 am and breakfast started at 8 am) after that I went to meet my Boss at an interesting congress for ophthalmologists.
at the train home I knitted, I continued at my frog colored shawl project. I actually felt inspired to work on my next amigurumi, but when I wanted to start on it - I had my yarn in front of me, my hook and paper and pencil - the only thing missing, my stitch markers! Damn! I can't create something without markers, when designing markers are as essential as the yarn or idea itself!, well I knitted, and actually made a couple of rows and I enjoyed it, and right now, when talking of knitting I think of Barbara from Sonnenkinder, she also was there on saturdays DaWanda meeting and knitted baby shoes, cute!
two posts ago I promised some kind of 'insight' into my secret project, and now there you go: green nose
yepp, it's my birthday today and also a long time since my last posting, but as I've written before I have been busy **sad smiley**
this last weekend I've been to Berlin, on saturday to meet other crafters and talk about blogs and why they are so improtant for me and for you, and for us all in general at a DaWanda meeting. On sunday I went to a congress and this was ... well it was nice.
But saturday afternoon was so inspiring! I met people who are like me, although I knew there are people like me - I can see them online, but in my near enviroment ? well, my friends like to hear me talking about my new critters and ideas, but they can't relate to my enthusiasm, they just don't know the feeling, sure they have their own things that inspire them, but to create something with your own hands and see the happy faces when you give a doll away and hear the lovely short stories about girls loving their monster trolls and going to the toilet with them and brushing their teeth, that is sort of different! it's great!
So what else did I get from this saturday? friends! and the idea of 'networking', which is nothing more than actually be online and don't hide, to be present and to be continuous. It's cool. There was Holly having a cool talk about blogs and also Nic from Luzia Pimpinella, who almost like myself decided to not study art or graphic design after school in order to learn something safe and proper, something like biology. But she managed to start her own business with these ooooh sooo cute embroideries. A lot of beginners also where there, people just starting out and this feeling in the air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife, there was inspiration and love and ... well just smiling faces everywhere, like the one from Katrin, who just started her own blog two days ago!, I guess the inspiring atmosphere had caught her and her companion Barbara to start out, there was an idea, now there is a blog!

I could go on and on, and I'm sure I'm gonna show you some more cool sites of people I met there, but there was also a sunday, of having no breakfast (I needed to leave my hostel at 7 am and breakfast started at 8 am) after that I went to meet my Boss at an interesting congress for ophthalmologists.
at the train home I knitted, I continued at my frog colored shawl project. I actually felt inspired to work on my next amigurumi, but when I wanted to start on it - I had my yarn in front of me, my hook and paper and pencil - the only thing missing, my stitch markers! Damn! I can't create something without markers, when designing markers are as essential as the yarn or idea itself!, well I knitted, and actually made a couple of rows and I enjoyed it, and right now, when talking of knitting I think of Barbara from Sonnenkinder, she also was there on saturdays DaWanda meeting and knitted baby shoes, cute!
two posts ago I promised some kind of 'insight' into my secret project, and now there you go: green nose

Happy Birthday!
AntwortenLöschenHallo Du Liebe,
AntwortenLöschenalles Gute zum Freudentag! Danke für´s verlinken,
Gruß aus der Hauptstadt,
Katrin von den BEUTELTIEREN
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Diana,
AntwortenLöschennach meiner Reise von Berlin nach Aachen bin ich jetzt endlich wieder online und kann unseren Blog verfolgen. Es macht sooo Spass.
Nun wünsche auch ich dir alles gute zum Geburtstag.
Gruß vom anderen Beuteltier.