I just read this article in the new issue of twist collective. It's about how some knitters (I don't say knitters in general, although the article does, cause I never did) only seem to knit for their relatives and friends and never for themselves. Well I never did, don't know why cause I wanted to, I often see a pattern and think it would be perfect for my friend Anne or this is the most gorgious mittens, perfect for my mom, but I never happened to actually start knitting for others. Maybe I'm selfish and early realized my time schedule doesn't have enough hours to knit and crochet for me and for others, so I never did or maybe I'm just selfish and think people will not appreciate my hard work, I dunno. But this year is sorta different: I already made bookmarks as xmas gifts.
And to not get tooo non-selfish and generous I will start this beautiful coat of the winter issue of tc: Sylvi

Isn't it just a masterpiece of knitting? Yesterday I spent the afternoon in re-designing the back so I can wear it as a cardigan. I only need a swatch and therefore I'm buying new needles this afternoon.
And to not get tooo non-selfish and generous I will start this beautiful coat of the winter issue of tc: Sylvi

Isn't it just a masterpiece of knitting? Yesterday I spent the afternoon in re-designing the back so I can wear it as a cardigan. I only need a swatch and therefore I'm buying new needles this afternoon.
Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenDas sieht ganz nach einem Marathonprojekt aus, auch wenn das "nur" ein Cardigan wird. Wunderschön, diese Aran-Verschlingungen. Plastisch, das ist das schöne am Stricken.
AntwortenLöschenDa bin ich mal gespannt auf das Ergebnis, wie lange planst du für so ein Projekt?
naja planen und machen sind ja immer zweierlei Dinge, aber ich hab eben angefangen die Ärmel anzuschlagen und hoffe auf maximal zwei Wochen, wenn aber was dazwischen kommt und man das schöne Teil aus den Augen (aus dem Sinn) verliert dann kanns sehr schnell sehr viel länger werden; aber damit bin ich wahrscheinlich nicht alleine ;o)