I spent an ordinary weekend, after being to Hannover once more on friday. I've not been in the mood for knitting or crochet lately so I didn't bring my yarn with me on the train. The journey there was quite nice, I had my mp3 and enjoyed the view but the way home I knew would get boring so I spent a good amount of time in the book shop at the train station and found a book I was searching for for a long time. I bought the new novel written by Walter Moers, one of the authors I read every book of, and this does not happen very often. The book is: "Der Schrecksenmeister" and it was finally available as paperback, I had the hard cover on my amazon wishlist for nearly two years, I think. It's a "culinary journey through zamonia, retold by Hildegunst von Mythenmetz" I don't know how all this translates to english but I saw the translation is called "the Alchemaster's Apprentice: a Novel"

Coming home I saw that my chili peppers started to see day light, while the limes are still hiding in the soil.

Yesterday I got myself new sneakers - no more "I can't do sports now, I don't have shoes", probably this lack of excuses will make me do more sports. So be aware when you feel a sudden wind, it might be me, hehehe!

and even thouh I'm not really in the mood for crafts I still made something. I crocheted a viking horn. You might find the color irritating, but the pink was at hand when I started and I find the idea of a helmet with pink horns amusing. I made this horn as a test for a friend earlier this week and now wonder what else this shape might be useful for. Alien feet, birds beak, tails?


Coming home I saw that my chili peppers started to see day light, while the limes are still hiding in the soil.

Yesterday I got myself new sneakers - no more "I can't do sports now, I don't have shoes", probably this lack of excuses will make me do more sports. So be aware when you feel a sudden wind, it might be me, hehehe!

and even thouh I'm not really in the mood for crafts I still made something. I crocheted a viking horn. You might find the color irritating, but the pink was at hand when I started and I find the idea of a helmet with pink horns amusing. I made this horn as a test for a friend earlier this week and now wonder what else this shape might be useful for. Alien feet, birds beak, tails?

Hi! I've been trying to make a hat that looks just like this, but I couldn't! I would appreciate it very much if you could tell me how you did it!