Gabrielle has hair and it's red!

And isn't she cute?

I want to add some sweet details like seastars and a bra and a hairband, maybe make her a small fishy friend or maybe an octopus, we'll see =^__^=
I 'embroidered' her hair onto a crocheted wig like owlishly described in her tutorial, that I also had included in my how to.
She's gets cuter each time new pictures emerge! Thanks for linking to the hair tutorial. It's a really great one!
AntwortenLöschenich finds grossartig, dass du uns mal am prozess teilhaben lässt... ich bin schon ganz neugierig, wie sie dann fix und fertig aussehen wird!
I love her huge green eyes!
AntwortenLöschenGorgeous Sweety! She nearly breaks my heart. Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
AntwortenLöschenWow, so cute!! You've got such talent! I thought I was hot stuff when I could crochet pot holders and I can't even remember how to do it. :)